(314) detainees served more than 20 years in Israeli prisons

on . Posted in Old detainees

The Commission of Detainees' Affairs stated today that the list of long-term detainees has risen to (314) ,after the join of (21) detainees on November 2022. There are (39) detainees who spent more than 25 years in Israeli prisons, where the detainee Jamal Alhour joined the list of " generals of patience " last month.

The list also includes (25) detainees who are imprisoned since before the Oslo Accord and the establishment of the Palestinian National Authority. The Commission stated that the list of "iconic detainees " , those who were imprisoned since more than 30 years respectively, has risen to (19) detainees after the join of Mohammad Falana, from Ramallah, and he is detained since 29/11/1992.

(8) detainees have served more than 35 years in Israeli prisons, the oldest of whom are the detainees Maher and Kareem Younis, who are imprisoned since 40 years.

It must be pointed out that there are tens of detainees who have been released under the shalit bargain, but they got rearrested in 2014. The detainee Nael Barghouthi is a case in point, where he spent more than 42 years in Israeli prisons.

The Commission confirmed that these numbers are unprecedented, and likely to rise during the coming months.